A wise woman once told me during a heart to heart discussion that “the best way to fight your battles is on your knees through prayers”. That wise woman is none other than, my Mom. I have watched my mother face diverse challenges over the years, yet time and time again, she has been able to rise above those challenges through the power of prayer.

Prayer Changes Things!

Honestly, I must confess, I was not much of a “prayer warrior” during my days as a young Christian. This was mainly because I did not have a lot of responsibilities or burdens. It was me, myself and I! But when I got married, my mom would call to remind me ever so often, to pray for my husband and for my family.

I thought that my mom was being overly spiritual, but it was when I became a mother that I really understood the need for prayer! Our children are a gift from God, and He has made us custodians over these little ones. Therefore it’s so important for us as women to pray over our families and loved ones.

The truth is that, I am a product of my mother’s prayers. I remember a few months before my wedding, I woke up early in the morning to use the bathroom and realized that my mom’s light was on, so I peeped into the room and saw her praying. She loves to pray! She would always joins prayer conference calls in the mornings and in the evenings. When I asked her once why she prayed so much, she said to me in my local language (Igbo)… “Ekpere bu Ogwu Ngworo” which means “Prayer is my form of medicine.”

So today, I encourage you to be a woman of prayer! Learn to spend time on our knees praying. I call it “prayer covering” your life, home, husband, and children. You can also teach your children to pray from at a tender age, The bible says in Deuteronomy 6 verse 7  “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”

May God continually fill us with wisdom and may we become mighty women of prayer in Jesus Name! Amen.

Ogechi Ucheatu


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